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I’d like to tell you a bit about myself.

My user name is Fiberwoolie. I’ve cross stitched, needlepointed, quilted, crochet and I still scrapbook. Mostly now I just knit. Once I got the knitting needles in my hands in 2003, I dropped everything else.

I knit everywhere. Seriously, everywhere – at sporting events, in the theater, and even in the dentist chair. I mean come on. It’s calming so the dentist chair seems like a given, right?

When I started, I hung out at a yarn store called Yarns and More where there were some awesome ladies who eventually turned into especially great friends. These women taught me to knit. They never told me I couldn’t knit something because it was too hard. Although when I started the Entrelac cardigan they later told me I had no business at all even looking at the pattern let alone knitting it! It took forever for me to be brave enough to actually take my knitting off the needles to fix a mistake instead of tinking back stitch by stitch for 30 rows! Even my husband Ben remembers that momentous day. I think maybe I yelled something like, “don’t talk to me!” When he saw me unraveling my knitting, he said something to the effect of, “holy crap, you took it off the needles!” Bless his heart. He always acts interested in my knitting, even when he’s not, and is always happy to stop at a yarn store in our travels.

I hang out at a great place called the Knitters Haven in La Quinta, CA. We all have knitting in common and this commonality has blessed me with so many new friends.

In our society today, there seems to be such a total lack of tolerance everywhere. I believe most people are honestly trying to make our world more inclusive, but through their actions they are creating more divisiveness and exclusivity. It’s happening in all walks of life. Unfortunately, the knitting community is no exception.

For me, it reached a tipping point when some patterns I knitted and shared, got taken off a particular knitting site due to my political beliefs. Chat groups were also shut down. It was the final straw.

I just want to knit. I want to see what others have knit. I want to immerse myself in all things knitting. I don’t want someone else limiting my freedom to do all of that.

So, because necessity is the mother of invention, Freedom Knits was born.

I started Freedom Knits so I could post and share my knitting projects. I would love for you to share your projects here also. I want to have free patterns and “how to” pages. There will be tips and tricks and there will be groups where we can talk about knitting – or anything else we want.

What is different about Freedom Knits?

There is no unilateral political rule. In fact, there are no rules at all, (except for the ones your mother should have taught you).

We are not the “other side”. We are both sides. And we are neither side.

We believe a difference of opinion is not the same thing as hate and censoring the opposing view is not the same thing as winning the debate.

Albert Einstein said imagination embraces the entire world. Freedom Knits is a place where the entire world’s imagination can be embraced.

And all of this is just beginning. There is more to come, because Freedom Knits is a site for all of us.

Come and join our community. Share with fellow members your projects, inspirations and designs and do all of this in a judgement free-environment.

Knit on!
